How to wear (2) – your spring feeling

Notwithstanding the drop in temperature, it time to prepare your spring wardrobe.

Wool and silk in the fridge?
When it’s getting warmer we need a scarf that feels fresh. There are two things to keep in mind. First of all, the raw material: wool and silk feel warmer than linen. Linen absorbs moisture very easily and releases it quickly. In other words, it sweats with your skin. On the other hand, silk and wool can absorb even more moisture before creating an uncomfortable feeling. Certainly in spring both wool and silk can be worn by daytime. Secondly, look at the weave: is it tight or loose? It goes without saying that in warm weather we better go for the loose woven fabrics.

In spring, we love the colours of daffodils, crocuses and Japanese cherry tree. If you are a spring colour type, you can dress in these colours from top to toe. But what if you are a winter colour type? No worries! The scarf will help you. After all, it’s the area around your face, eyes and hair that determines your colour appearance … and that happens to be the area where we mostly wear our scarf … So, Madam or Mr. Winter, don’t hesitate to wear that shirt in vanilla, but do not forget to drape a scarf around your neck in your most beautiful winter colours …

Ad libitum
Nevertheless, I hope that you are eager to test some new ways of wearing your scarf. Any suggestions? Certainly! Knot a beautiful scarf around the handle of your handbag, or your backpack. It gives you and your bag a perky touch. If you choose a carré of at least 90X90cm you even have an extra jacket at hand. Just tie the nearby corners to create the two armholes. If it gets warmer, you might want to wear your long hair in a tail, braid or dot. Do not hesitate to pimp it with a gavroche (45X45cm) or twilly (80X5cm).

Not ready yet? According tot the weather forecast, you still have some time to exercise 🙂

 – April 26th, 2017 –