Healing scarf ;-)
Today I share an emotional scarfstory-with-a-quip, heard on a Acerta workshop ‘Start to change’.
When Jane worked at her former company for some months, her boss gave her a scarf. A colourful scarf with lots of fringes: he thought that suited her perfectly. “Lucky you!” her friends shouted in unison. “Wow” sighed her daughter. But Jane did not have a wow feeling. The truth was that it felt like invading her privacy. Since the very first day of her employment she had to walk on eggshells when she was around that man. Do you know the expression ‘Walk your talk’? Well, his behaviour was just the contrary. There was absolutely no confidence and it went from bad to worse: from distrust to contempt, slander and even sabotage!
To cut a long story short: nine months later Jane got fired, and from that moment on, she had to deal with a persistent feeling of anger. Although she had found a new job, with great colleagues and team leader the anger occurred at the most inappropriate moments.
The catharsis came with the annual cleaning-up of her dressing: Jane rummaged in her closet and pulled out everything she had not worn during the last two years. The pile of clothes was finally ready to donate to charity. Her husband noticed THE scarf and asked: “Do you really want to make someone happy with that piece of garment?“.The scarf with fringes stared at Jane and extracted in a few seconds all the warmth from her. Then, almost frozen, she pulled the scarf out of the stack, took a pair of scissors and put them into the fragile fabric.
she cut the scarf without even blinking an eye.
Then she dropped the pieces
theatrically in the garbage can. Subsequently, she brought the rest of the garments to Poverello, feeling joyful, and warm feeling inside.
The anger never came back.