How to wear it (1) – your gut feeling

Do you know Iris Apfel? This 95 years young fashion and interior designer is a style icon in New York! One of her many remarkable quotes is quite appropriate for our subject today:

“When we were small children we all played dress-up and everybody had a great time. So why stop? ” My recent survey showed that we all love scarves, but are so little creative in wearing them.

Well, let’s grab the bull by its horns! We’ll start with just one new use of your scarf. On gut feeling, literally! We are going to drape the scarf around the belly and waist.

Option 1: The Geisha touch

We start with a wide waistband, that makes you look like a geisha in kimono. Caution: wé do not wrap our bosom :-). A wide waistband looks very nice on a straightforward dress or jumpsuit. Personally I prefer to use a square scarf, and fold it diagonally. As a result, the tips are much thinner. That looks better when you let the ends dangle. Moreover, it is more convenient when you choose to tuck the ends under the waistband. Fold your scarf diagonally at the desired width, then wrap it around your waist and secure in a knot at the back. Depending on the size of the foulard (min. 120X120 cm) you can make an additional wrap and close the belt knot at the front. As mentioned, you can choose to let the loose ends dangle, or to tuck them in. Another option is to secure the tips in a knot around the ring.

Get inspired by Mantero:

#solstiziodestate #21giugno#foulard #crêpedechine #buynow #specialpriceforyou

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Option 2: The Bohemian look

Do you have a garment with a sewn waistband with loops? Choose a matching square scarf; preferably made of light fabric. Take the foulard and fold it diagonally. Then, take the center of this triangular fold, and fold it inwards repeatedly. Once you’re satisfied with the width of the scarf band, pull the ends through the loops. You can also choose not to fold the scarf first in order to have a loose effect. You can close the new belt wit a knot, a scarf ring or a buckle. Option 2 looks perfect with your favorite jeans!

Follow the example of Codello:

Conclusion: forget your regular waist belts next week and use your scarves to create effect. Have fun and please send me a picture of the result!

 – April 5th, 2017 –